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x Fakes_Stop

So, I just wanna say something .

----------- Read what I wrote :) -----------
Guys , what's wrong with you ?
I'm sorry but I think posing as somebody it's only a waste of time ! You only waste some cool moments of your life.
You wanna lose them by posing as somebody ?
You have a life , and you must live it !
Please , stop posing ! It's hard for everyone :(
Live ur life and be yourself . There's nothing better . <3 Just stop with all these things cause you hurt a lot of people. that's not good. you must live your childhood. maybe some of you are posing cause it makes you more 'popular' . no ! it doesn't . if you wanna know how's the life of a celebrity , i will tell you :) it's not so EASY. it's really hard. lots of premieres, events , shows ..
Hope i helped you(: thnx . >:D<

Love is great , but God is greater. <3
- Brenda -
DC games
DC games
i love meeting fans !
i love meeting fans !
me and selena ♥
me and selena ♥

Comments • 3

CeceInAction 28 April 2011  
ChelseaKaneStrawberry 26 April 2011  
Of course that's right!But they aren't stoping,never!They never let us alone,are like the viruses!
xGlamorOus 25 April 2011  
You're right Bren'. :) <3
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